Lately it's been so busy around here, between holidays, weddings, paperwork, end of year wrap ups, family - I don't really feel as though I have the time to update photos and fun things that have been happening. I've been wanting to share with you some photos from one of the most fun experiences of my life - Flowerstock. I was completely honored when Holly Chapple called and asked if I would demonstrate. Teaching in front of a bunch of incredibly talented floral designers is no joke. So arriving in Virginia, I felt a little nervous until my cab came upon Holly's beautiful farm. Smiling faces, rolling hills of trees just turning color, flowers everywhere and a thrilling energy in the air. I always feel a few jitters before standing in front of people, but this weekend I felt more confident than ever. Friends, flowers, live music, classes, education, nature and so much more! I think all business owners sometimes doubt ourselves during some point of our careers, and this little opportunity reminded me of how much I love my business. Enjoy just a few photos of some of one of my favorite weekends in 2016!